Heavy on my Heart and have to share. Written by: Margene Wiese-Baier © 2010
For one why are there so many single women in the Church, but hardly any single men. Ok I am going to get real here. If a man is just going to Church to snag a hot Christian woman and see if she will sleep with him I guess he might as well stay home or go to the bars. Women who are truly committed to God don’t want to be taken off track in what they are doing. We want a man that is on the same hot pursuit of Jesus as we are…. Someone, we can Minister with, and someone that is not afraid of our strength. Good example is Dave, and Joyce Meyer.
I met one man that seemed like he was on the right track, but God said a resounding No. I was at a Singles luncheon and this man was telling a story of how this one woman took him away from Church and they lived with each other for a while. Ok in my mind I remembered that and when he was following me around all over the place I didn’t take him seriously, and then when he started looking at other women and left me standing there by myself I knew why God told me no. He seemed perfect for me, wanting to minister with me and everything, but it just wasn’t meant to be. I was glad I knew it was a No early on. It prevented my heart from getting broken when a true relationship didn’t come about.
Women want someone that is their best friend. Communication is the key, a man the woman can talk too, and that answers back. Not just with yes, no, maybe, but real answers at least a sentence long. If there is a disagreement, the woman won’t be punished for weeks at a time, by not hearing from the man. Or possibly never hearing back from them at all, causing a broken heart. Sorry men I don’t think that is very manly at all. If not interested anymore be man enough and let the woman know. And women if you are not being honest if you’re not interested any more, and keeping silent, shame on you. Let the man know, so they can go on with their life. If you don’t say anything they are still thinking you are going to come back and apologize to set everything right again. Man, do I have a lot to learn about men. And no for me when you do this it just makes me think you are a jerk, and I am trying to tell my heart just to move on, and that God has someone for me that won’t be playing games with me.
Ok then there is the family. Sorry, but stay out of it. Don’t get involved. Your viewpoint is not appreciated. Ok so you think the man is a scoundrel and out to break the woman’s heart. Don’t be set upon breaking them up just, because of hearsay. You have warned the woman what you have heard or you found something out about the man for God’s sake don’t keep ragging on the woman that they need to break up with the man. The truth will come out and if she is walking with God, He will reveal it to her. You are not her savior, Jesus is. Ok you may say God is using you, and that you are hearing from God, but do you know how much damage and hurt you can cause to your relationship with that relative by shoving it down her throat every chance you get. If you want to continue checking on the man, do it in silence. Let the woman know if you found anything and let her decide what she wants to do about it. What if you are wrong, and the woman breaks up or the man decides he can’t handle the relationship, because of nosey intruding relatives. Do you think the sister or friend will confide in you again? Think again. You have lost their trust. Because, she is thinking that you really don’t want them happy and you will continue to sabotage every relationship they try to have with a man. They don’t need your approval only God’s. And maybe the biggest thing is do you listen to them when they have heard over and over about how much your man hurts you, and they tell you to walk away, but you are still there taking his abuse.
The truth be known if you really trust God He will reveal the truth, and if you are in the right relationship you will be able to get through the trials and tests every relationship has. If you are in the wrong relationship God will give you a way out of it. Learning how not to sabotage or let your relatives and friends ruin a good relationship is maybe the hardest thing to do.
Believing you are worth having love is the key. Stop thinking it will never happen. Boy am I talking to myself here. I am hearing to many desperate women out there, and I think it scares men. (Men am I right?) Women we need to let the man look for us he is out there. God will let us know in several different ways. When a man finds a wife he finds a good thing. Check it out it is in the Bible.
Ok one more thing take care of yourself. If you need a new hairstyle, and get contacts do it. Lose the extra weight or that bulge around the middle. You need to be healthy. God has a job for you to do. Don’t do it, because you are trying to attract a man, but do it to make you feel better. Oh and by the way remember Esther she took a year to prepare herself for the King. It won’t take you a year to get ready, and besides that you should have been getting ready a long time before now. (We need to be working on our Spirituality, Mental, Physical, total wholeness.) Two whole people make a whole. Not two halves.
Run after Jesus as fast as you can and when that man is running just as fast and you look to the right he is the one that God has for you. (Tommy Tenney said something to this effect)
And yes you will even love the way he looks, because God has the best for you. God will not only show and reveal it to the man that you are to get married, but He will let you know too. Nothing is worse to a woman then for a man to say to her God say’s we are to be married, and then God never say’s it to her.
Be real and true to yourself, and God will bring out the best in you to show to the World, and to the one you are to be with.
Blessings, and Hugs, Margene
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